What make rhinoplasty so much different from other plastic surgery procedures is the nose must both look beautiful and breathe great to achieve an excellent result. Also, these results need to last a lifetime, with the nose structurally supported to combat the scarring and age-related changes that naturally lead to nasal obstruction after surgery.
Starting my surgical training as an Ears Nose and Throat specialist really helped me fully understand the complicated internal structure of the nasal airway and what is required for good long term nasal breathing. This is what I add to every cosmetic rhinoplasty I perform.
I furthered my surgical training with an additional board certification in Facial plastic surgery. After over 1000 rhinoplasties, I have found that a nose that breathes well also looks beautiful. It is straight with a well projected nasal tip and cartilage support to the sides of the nose without an overly round or bulbous appearance. The nasal airways are symmetric, and the septum is straight. The nasal tip does not look too pinched because not cartilage was removed it was only reshaped.
These functional concerns are frequently the exact same concerns my cosmetic patients have and even though they didn’t complain of obstructed nasal breathing prior to the Rhinoplasty operation. My patients find they can breathe much better after my Rhinoplasty. This can reduce snoring, sleep apnea, and improve exercise tolerance.
Seeing so many revision rhinoplasty consults from patients who had their initial surgery by surgeons who did not consider either nasal breathing during the initial “cosmetic rhinoplasty”, or surgeons who did not consider the appearance of the nose after the initial “functional rhinoplasty” helped me make sure all my patients avoid those previous mistakes.

Patient had prior “functional” nasal surgery including septoplasty by another surgeon who left here unhappy with her cosmetic result. I performed my standard rhinoplasty approach to improve both form and function. She is now breathing great and loves her nasal appearance.
When I perform a rhinoplasty, I make sure to address all aspects from the septum, turbinates and nasal valves with every single rhinoplasty. This leads to more consistent and predictable outcomes.
With experience, these functional considerations only lead to a more beautiful result. Grafts can be placed in the nose to help the airway without making the nose look wider which is frequently taught by less experienced surgeons. Humps can still be reduced, but with a more supported nasal tip, less cartilage must be removed which leads to more predictable and long-lasting outcomes.
Rhinoplasty can have a dramatic effect both functionally and cosmetically. Don’t settle for one or the other. Come see me for a consultation and I can go over a detailed surgical plan and answer any questions you may have.

Patient had previous “cosmetic rhinoplasty” by another surgeon who left here with complete nasal valve collapse and unhappy with nasal breathing and appearance. I performed my standard rhinoplasty approach to address both form and function and she now loves her new nose and it breathing better than ever.

Patient had no complaints of nasal obstruction and was just unhappy with her bulbous and droopy nasal tip. I performed my standard rhinoplasty approach to reshape her nasal tip cartilage and support it to a structurally sound and straight framework. She loves her new nose and states her improved nasal breathing is an “amazing bonus”