This has grown to be one of my favorite procedures. With advanced training and expertise Buccal Fat Removal, or what I like to call Buccal Fat Contouring, can dramatically improve the contour of the jawline and cheek bone. It is incredibly simple, safe, and provides beautiful long-term results.
What is Buccal Fat removal or Contouring?
Buccal fat contouring is a surgical procedure done from a small incision inside the mouth to reduce the size deep buccal cheek fat pad and improve facial definition. The buccal fat pad lies deep within the fat of the lower cheeks. It’s located between the muscles of the face in an area below the cheekbone. The location of this specific fat pad is crucial to answering a lot of the debate about buccal fat removal procedures.
The correct area for buccal fat contouring is in the lower cheek lateral to the upper lip. Calling I cheek fat can be misleading as more superior cheek fat pads are crucial for maintaining a youthful look and are not removed during this procedure. The size of this fat pad determines the shape of the face. Everybody has a fat pad, but the size varies greatly for every patient. This area when overly full can make the face have a round or heavy appearance. It can also hang over and make the jawline less visible. When patients are young and have a full buccal area, it can stretch the skin and later when facial fat atrophies with age this will lead to more skin laxity and jowling. Contouring this area can be preventative for some of the tell-tale signs of facial aging later in life.
I carefully evaluate every patient for this procedure and patient selection is important. This procedure isn’t normally performed on patients with narrow or thin appearing faces or older patients who have already lost some of their natural buccal fat pad. It would cause them to more hallow in appearance. This is where some of the debate online originates from, but proper patient selection is very easy during a consultation with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon.
The Benefits of Buccal Fat Contouring
A safe, effective, and beautiful procedure. All incisions are made inside the mouth so there are no visible scars after surgery. And the procedure is quite short, generally only taking 30 – 60 minutes to complete.
Benefits include:
An enhanced facial appearance and contour
A more attractive profile and Jawline
A more defined and sculpted cheek and Jawline appearance
Restored confidence
Less full appearing face
Prevention of skin laxity in the jowl area
Who’s a Good Candidate for Buccal Fat Contouring?
Any patient with a round facial profile who wants to improve the contour of their cheekbone and jawline.
Basic overall health considerations are important when undergoing any elective cosmetic surgery. It is important to avoid smoking, make sure there are no ongoing or active healthy problems and not on any blood thinning medications.
Best results are in patient younger than age 50 with fuller faces.
The procedure is often a great procedure to combine with other facial plastic surgery like, Rhinoplasty, chin implantation, or neck lift or neck contouring liposuction.
Dr. Matthew Tamplen Double Board-Certified Facial Plastic surgeon can help you decide if Buccal Fat contouring Surgery is right for you.

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What questions should I ask at the initial consultation?
The best way for you to find the answers to any concerns you’re having is to ask questions before the procedure. I take extra time during every consultation to make sure patients can ask any questions they like. Consider asking the following questions before choosing your plastic surgeon:
What questions should I ask at the initial consultation?
Are you certified with the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery?
Are you specifically experienced in Facial plastic surgery?
How many years of training do you have?
Do you have extensive experience operating through incisions in the mouth?
Have you performed buccal fat removal before? How Many?
Do you have any before and after photos of patients you’ve performed this surgery on?
What do I need to do to prepare for this type of surgery?
How and where will the procedure take place?
What are the possible complications and how will they be treated?
What’s the healing process and how long does it take?
Most of all, you should feel safe with your surgeon. At Tamplen Plastic Surgery you’ll always feel comfortable and at ease before, during, and after the procedure. Dr. Matthew Tamplen specializes completely in the face and has performed thousands of Facial plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Tamplen achieved the highest score on the country on the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery board exam. He is nationally recognized for his individualized and scientific approach that consistently achieve elegant and natural results.
How Do I Prepare for Buccal Fat Contouring Surgery?
A full medical evaluation will be performed before any surgical procedure. Before the surgery you should stop using all the following:
Herbal supplements that may thin the blood
Any anti-inflammatory medications
This operation can be performed under general or local anesthesia. This operation is very simple and can safely be performed in the office in the right patient. With either option the patient will feel little to no pain. Often Buccal fat contouring is done in combination with other procedures like a rhinoplasty and will be done in the operating room.
What’s The Buccal Fat Contouring Procedure Like?
During the Procedure
This procedure can safely be performed in-office, but it can also be performed at a Surgery Center. Normally what that involves is:
You’ll be administered local anesthesia on your face to make the area numb. If you’re only receiving cheek reduction surgery, you’ll be awake during the procedure, and you won’t feel any pain. Dr. Tamplen prides himself on using gentle techniques to ensure your comfort throughout the short process and you will get to pick your own music to play to make you more comfortable.
Dr. Tamplen will make a small incision on the inside of your cheek (inside the mouth).
Dr. Tamplen will delicately dissect the extra fat and remove it without any cutting. He will then close the incision and seal it with dissolvable stitches. Any scars will be invisible because this procedure is performed inside the mouth. You’ll be done in under an hour with little to no pain.
If you are having more than just one surgery during your procedure you’ll be administered general anesthesia. In cases like these, you’ll need to arrange transportation home.
During the Procedure
These types of procedures are normally performed in-office, but it can also be performed at a Surgery Center. Normally what that involves is:
You’ll be administered local anesthesia on your face if you’re only receiving cheek reduction surgery. You’ll be awake during the procedure and you won’t feel any pain. Dr. Cat Plastic Surgery prides itself on using gentle techniques to ensure your comfort throughout the short process.
Your surgeon will make a small incision on the inside of your cheek (inside the mouth). They will apply gentle pressure on the outside of your cheek to expose the buccal fat pad.
Your surgeon will remove the fat then close the incision and seal it with dissolvable stitches. Any scars will be minimal and they’ll be invisible because this procedure is performed inside the mouth. You’ll be done in under an hour with little to no pain!
If you are having more than just one surgery during your visit you’ll be administered general anesthesia. In cases like these, you’ll need to arrange transportation home.
After the Procedure
You’ll need to be on a soft diet for a few days, but after a while, you can have soft foods before returning to your normal diet.
Recovery after Buccal Fat Contouring is typically short (around 2-3 weeks). Due to the meticulous expertise of Dr. Tamplen, any swelling or bruising should be minimal. Both will diminish quickly as you heal.
You should start to see improved facial contour and a more defined jawline around 3-4 weeks after the procedure.
Buccal Fat Removal Cost
The cost of buccal fat reduction can range between $4000 to $6000.
Schedule A Buccal Fat Removal Consultation
If you are considering Buccal Fat removal, then reach out to the team at Tamplen Plastic Surgery. Dr. Tamplen will use his extensive expertise with facial plastic surgery to evaluate you as a candidate for the procedure and answer any questions you may have.

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